I've spent hours on this and I give up!!!
I have two web hosting packages with BT and two sets of emails with each, ie name.name@company1.co.uk and info@company1.co.uk and the same for company 2. These are working because I still get emails on my BlackBerry for them.
My laptop crashed recently and the shop wiped it clean and installed Windows 7 on it (previously Vista). I clicked on Outlook expecting to see my usual screen but was presented with a confirguration wizard. I messed this up so just chose to configure later.
I tried configuring using the instructions I found on the help forum but nothing worked. I logged into BT and checked which email platform I was on and it's still the BT Business Email Lite package. This screen show my full emails etc as it was ie all my emails visible and so on, but on a web page.
I cannot get my emails live on my laptop. I am distraught. The helpdesk isn't open until Wednesday and I wanted to spend the holiday resetting up all the laptop stuff I lost when it crashed.
Is there an easy solution to this? Would BT know my passwords? I'm sure I'm using an incorrect password somewhere. I know one of them for sure, but when I looked at the emails set up in 'manage services' I don't know why BT only show two of the four email addresses. This is a mess.
Any ideas?
Is it not conflicting with your 2 accounts since you are using 2 hosting services from BT? They usually have this problem on rare cases.
Thanks for your reply. All I know is I cannot see my emails when I open Outlook since Windows 7 was loaded?? Anyway, Wednesday in a few hours so I will be on the phone to the BT helpdesk first thing and they can talk me through it.