I have created my website using easysite and used the photo album facility. Can anyone tell me how I had add descriptions to the photos. I have typed in descriptions but they do not appear live.
many thanks
Hi bevsoskin,
Is this a Easysite Wizard Pro you have?
BT Business Forum Moderator
thank for getting back. that's correct: I have created my website lancombescountrysports.com using easysitewizard pro. I do not understand why my descriptions are not displayed when accessing website. Can you help?
Hi Bev,
If you have a look at the Easysite wizard Pro user guide, there are details in there on how to use everything that it provides.
I am having exactly the same problem - and this has nothing to do with the EasySite Pro (which I am also using to build the website).
I have entered the descriptions into the photo album programme and it seems to be pot luck whether it displays them or not.
One album simply refuses to display any discriptions and also doesn't open a new window when you click on a photo to enlarge it. The other album works fine with opening the enlargements in a new window, but seems to pick and choose whether it displays the description or not.
I am currently up to 30 minutes of frustration on the BT supposed support help line - any help would be appreciated.
Well, 45minutes of frustration and no help and 4 hours later have started to give up that they're going to call back like they said they would (shame on you BT). After a lot of trial and error I think (and really hope) I have found a solution that works for me - hopefully it works for you too!
The big difference seems to be if I put an 'enter' (i.e. a new or empty line) in the description. If I just keep it to continuous text, it seems to work fine. Go figure!
Good luck! I'll easily admit I know nothing about programming, but maybe BT will spot this and change this, seems a strange twist to me!
Ok, I officially give up. It seems to be complete and utter pot luck as to whether the description appears or not, and it seems to be able to change without me even changing anything. They were there before lunch and have now disappeared.
Sorry if I created any false hope with my last post.