Hi Guys
Hope you can help me!
I have created a new site and want it to overwrite my old one.
I am a complete newbie to this sort of thing, however I have gone on to the File Manager on the Easy Site Wizard Pro and deleted from the source directory all the pages referring to the old site. I am not sure if these deletions also take place in the "Dest Dir", anyway I have copied new the pages into the public folder.
My problem is that some pages of my old website are appearing when I preview the website and when I access it online, when it actually allows me access! (I have published the website by mistake, why I do not know, however wish to rectify my problem rather quickly rather than take the website off and put it back on again)
Could someone please let me know where I have gone wrong and how to delete completely any reference to my old site and pages.
Thankyou in advance to anyone who can help.
Kind regards
In theory when you click publish your old website should be automatically overwritten. If you are still seeing old pages the likelyhood is there is a fault on the bt business site. Have you changed the design of your website or just the writing on it?
When you change the design all previous writing will be on the new design but it will be all scrambled up and you will have to move everything back to where you want it again. You certainly shouldn't be seeing old design pages coming up if you have chosen another template.
When you preview your latest work you will see it as you want it normally, publish it and it can sometimes take a while before the actual new changes take effect. Text is usually instant but pictures can take much longer.