My web host has gone ---- up and crashed and I have now set up a BT eshop. This is now up and running with the address I have several other domain names, com. uk. and info. pointing to my old site that I wish to point to my new eshop. I have access to the domains via my registrar dashboard at Fasthosts. I seem to be going round in circles with BT advice on what to do and getting nowhere. Can anyone explain in simple terms what I need to do to get rolling on this? Thanks in anticipation.
Cracked it myself -Used Domain Forwarding. Couldn't find that on BT Help & Support.
If you a general knowledge of apache server and/or you feel comfortable you can open a notepad and enter the following information in to notepad
Redirect /
Save the file with the title ".htaccess" and place it on the root of your webspace and this should be adeuquate.