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Problem with search engine listing using BT purchased domain and free webspace (Business Essentials)


Any help on this very much appreciated.

I have just set up a website on a domain purchased from BT using the free webspace that comes with it (ie I have not purchased a web hosting package).

The (unexpected) way this appears to work is that my domain redirects to free webspace at a different location and so all a search engine will see if I submit this is the redirection info rather than my site, so none of my titles/keywords etc.  In consequence, there is no chance that I will get listed anywhere. 

Anyone know a way round this?


Super User

Only thing I can think of is to actually pay for hosting, on offer for only £2.99 per month currently.


This would allow you more features and more bandwidth, as it is likely you will max the bandwidth for your free site quickly.


Probably not what you wanted to hear, but maybe someone here has a workaround....






Thanks again for your input gs.  I have thought about paying for hosting but I'm only really messing about to see how it goes.  I have had a site on geocities (also free) since last Feb and we are only getting 2-3 hits per day and only a tiny amount of business from it (most of hits are from people trying to sell stuff to us!).  Times are hard in the construction industry though and every little helps, but it really isn't enough to justify much expenditure...

Gosh, I hope that BT free BT bandwidth can cope with 2-3 hits per day and 10 on a really big one.  I've hit it about 30 times today and it seems okay...



Grand Guru