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Problems getting a straight response from BT



Hi Folks,


I was wondering if anybody knew who to talk to to get a straight answer on this as every time I contact BT I get a different answer. I simply want to know if the package I am on has unlimited usage or not, yet nobody seems to give me a consistant answer.


The background is that I've ordered BT Business infinity 1 with unlimited usage and 5 IPs and I've been given BT Business infinity 2 with 5 IP addresses. Every time I phone up, if I get through to customer services, I get told that I don't have unlimited usage, if I get put through to sales, then I get told that Infinity 2 has unlimited usage and I'll be all right and on the one occassion I got through to tech support they didn't know. I'm not worried about speed, but I am worried about usage.


Surely this isn't that difficult a question for BT to answer?









         I am now happy to here the outcome. hope its still ok when you get the bill.




Arrgghh - now I've just had another email from BT saying that I'm nearing going over my quota again!


Come on BT - can't you sort out a simple thing like getting an order correct?





Power User
Does the message actually state what your quota is and by how much you are exceeding it?

Andy (LinuxBloke)


The message says I'm approaching my 100GB quota, so I'm guessing that is what they think the limit is. What they don't tell you is how close you are to the limit. 😞


On my old router I was tracking the usage through mrtg, but the BT business hub doesn't support SNMP so there isn't an easy way to inspect my usage.


I knew I shouldn't have upgraded all those servers to Wheezy 🙂



Power User
I'm getting a little worried - I upgraded to unlimited on May 2nd after 3 consecutive months of going over 115 GB doing customers' off-site backups and have done some additional large data transfers since then. Not heard anything yet so fingers crossed...

As for Wheezy, what a terrible name for the latest Debian! Conjuring up images of rickety vintage cars or decrepit old men, it's not going to win over many corporate users. But then Squeezy and Potato were unfortunate choices too - only Hardy had the right kind of ring to it.



Well, in the end I had to spend 30 min on the phone to BT today as they aren't entirely sure what is going on with my account (although the people I spoke to did make a good attempt to find out). I'm waiting a call back which will hopefully mean that everything has been sorted out.


Wheezy isn't too bad as names go, but then again I work in a computing dept so some of the naming schemes that we have to use are just plain bizarre (Android versions anybody?). The worst example is the main naming scheme for PCs in my work which is based on the machines MAC address, with the result that people find it easier to remember IP addresses rather than the names of their machines! Fortunately our departmental servers are more memorably (if slightly esoterically) named :-).







Well I received an email saying that I'm now on Advance Support (Option 1) which is what I originally ordered. So I'm hoping that this has finally been sorted out, but I'll wait until the bill comes in before I say for definite.




Power User

Well, here's hoping that's the end of the saga 🙂


cheers, Andy

Power User
Had my bill yesterday - it's official, I'm on Advance Support. Yippee!



Congrats Andy - I finally got my bill today and I'm now on the same 🙂


Unfortunately, they've tried to also stick me with a useage charge when I went over - fortunately they have said that they will remove it.



