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RE: Transfer away request: [Reference: 151216-001897]




I am trying to transfer my domain name away to another ISP, as the one I registered free with my company supplied phone and broadband connection will expire as I am being made redundant.


I started the process using the transfer away link on the BT Domain Centre page, and received a response from Ian Ferrer quoting reference 151216-001897 with a few questions and asking for confirmation I wanted to complete the transfer.


The problem is I cannot seem to reply to this message without your system discarding my response, because the email address I used 15 odd years ago changed when my company merged with another 9 years ago.
I have gone online and updated the email address in the accounts section, but apparently unless I use exactly the same email address as the one I used originally, the response is always rejected. I can receive messages sent to the old address, but as this is a company server I cannot send them using the old address, only the new one.


I PM'ed Ian about this (not being able to send an emai without it being rejected) but it looks like he not logged into the forum today.


Can someone look into this please? I have to resolve this today as I leave the company tomorrow and don't want to loose emails or this domain name in the meantime. I have deleted old messages off the server, and just wish to have the transfer away completed.



James Allen




Hi James,


I have sent you a reply to your message.


Kind Regards,

Ian Ferrier

BT Business Support