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Retired Couple left with no phone lines while looking after small children, Terrible service


My parents have recently had to deal with the stress of moving out of their home while it was repaired. They moved their No with BT temporarily to their rented house. BT were advised on 14th August that the line needed to be moved back. Despite there still being a dial tone on the line at the old house, BT have said that the line can not be reinstated until 14th Sept!!!!!! They are therefore left with no phone line for a month. They look after my little girl and nephew and currently have no way of contacting anyone if there is a problem. Particularly as the reception on their BT (!!!!!) mobiles is terrible and the only way to boost the reception is with a signal booster which runs through the internet (which they wont have until 14th Sept). Absolutly rediculous and all I keep being told is that its taking so long as the cabling has been removed. Firstly why was it removed when it was only a temporary move and secondly why is there a dial tone on the line then????




BT Partner
BT Partner



I'm sorry your parents have had problems with this move.


You say that there's a dial tone on the line.  What comes up when you make a call from it, e.g. to a mobile?  As far as I'm aware lines that have been moved have temporary numbers that should work as normal phone numbers, but I only do broadband so I can't be sure.

