Hi people, I am new to this so please bear with me.
About 3 months ago we were having problems at our office connecting to the internet. We were connected via a broadband module on a Versatility suite. We were told that due to recent wiring upgrades in our area to ADSL+2, our broadband module was in effect now useless, and we now had to connect via a BT 2 Wire Business 2700 hub, which we were originally given 5 + years ago when we first joined with BT. An engineer came out, he connected the old hub and everything was working when he left, then the next day no internet again.
We have been nagging BT virtually on a weekly basis since then, and last week I evetually spoke with someone in network support who said its down to openzone. So i disabled openzone, it seemed to be ok for a day, then back to the same old problem.
The broadband and internet lights are lit green on the router, so showing theres not an issue up to the router and BT now assure me there are no line faults. The problem we are constantly having now is, whether it be via Firefox or Int. Explorer, the connection constantly breaks on a regular basis and it effects all 7 pc's at the same time. Sometimes you can connect to your homepage (lets say msn) and then the moment you try to search for something via google, bing, or try to connect to a website via typing in the address, on firefox the message you get is no response from the server. Sometimes after hitting refresh half a dozen times it will connect, sometimes it will stay off for a few minutes, sometimes half an hour. Othertimes you click on your firefox to connect to your homepage and same problem. All whilst this is happening the lights on the router for internet and broadband both remain green !! Also another point is, i have been downloading whilst not being able to connect to a webpage ??? The download carries on like theres no problem at all. There is no predictability to this, it is extremely random but its now happening on a daily basis.
I must have spoken to a half a dozen people at BT and whenever they make changes to the router and "fix" it, it works for a few hours or when we have been lucky a couple of days, then it goes again.
Ive been sent a second router to try, ive changed all leads, ive connected directly into the test socket, one engineer setup dns on the new router but this didnt solve not being able to connect to webpages, then when i spoke to the network support engineer (the guy who eventually told me to disconnect openzone) he asked me to reset the router but it would not reset by holding in the little button on the back, so then he thought there was a fault with the new router, so were now on the old router again with no dns settings, not that they worked anyway, with openzone turned off and were still having the same problem. Ive also disabled our internet security to rule this out as a conflict and still having the same problem when its turned off.
Please please help, Im running out of hair to pull out lol.
Thankyou in advance, Phil
I have a similar problem. Every Monday I need to reset the router. I have a netwrok of 7 PC and two Mac. I can see that email was collected on the Suday evening but my Monday morning there are no connection. All the light and settings of the router are normal, just no actual conection. Usually just a reset fixes the probelm, but sometimes I need to disconnect the newtork for an hour. Very disruptive for the business.
Any ideas how this can be sorted.
Update on problem :
I am now noticing that during heavy use times, i.e. lunch time when everyone is on facebook lol, it doesnt like the heavy traffic all at once. I think this is possibly why I was noticing the internet (browsing) wasnt working when I was downloading a file, all be it only 200mb, it was downloading at 5200kbps and Im wondering if theres a bandwith problem ?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. BT have now told me they have exhausted all options and referred me to there IT Support Manager service who charge £25/half an hour. After I explained everything that has happend with them, the only thing they could suggest was changing the 'Upstream MTU from 1500 to 1458', and this hasnt helped.
Ive tried two different hubs, both connecting a pc directly into the back of each one when the problem happens and still have browsing issues when the hubs telling me that its connected fine. So it has to be faulty settings doesnt it ???
Hi John
Have BT replaced the router for you ? It took about 10 phone calls before they would even contemplate this with them, and even then it didnt make a difference, but it may sort your problem out. Im wondering if I can try a different router altogether, such as a Netgear, just to rule out the router being the problem completely.
Im guessing your as annoyed with BT as I am, at the moment. I cannot believe they told me that have reached the end of the road with them, and they have now passed me onto a helpline that charges £25/half hour.
Best of luck John, if you have any joy would you mind letting me know, and i will do the same with you.
Cheers, Phil