Can anyone tell me if it's possible to transfer a domain away but keep the email attached with it through office365? we have theBusiness Email Lite package and don't want to lose our emails.
I'm hoping I can just set up the same dns records that are currently there on the other end but does anyone know if this is the case?
Hi JMSutton
there are a couple of ways to get this done
You could keep the domain with us and move over the A- Records (webhosting) to the new company
this means no disruption to emails
BT keeps the domain and control of the domain but gives the webhosting part to another company
You could keep the domain with us and move the DNS servers to the new company then point the email (MX) records back to us
this may result in a little downtime but we can plan for that and make sure your hosting company has the email records before we make the switch so that this down time is minimised
BT keeps the domain but gives over full control to another company who then gives the email to us to handle
You could move the whole domain away from BT and then point the mail back
Most downtime but again we can plan for this and minimise this by ensuring that the new hosting company has the correct email records
Another company takes the domain in its entirety and then gives us the email
Hope this helps