Absolutely horrendous so far. Have received duplicate copies of every single email I've ever received for the past three years - four times. Cannot get it to sync properly with Outlook even the helpdesk couldn't. Was told by helpdesk my company is looking at a 48 hour wait. Had to send staff home because no one can work, losing money by the hour. The email send out rate isn't geared towards business at all, it's more suited for home use. The extra storage is a smoke screen.
This is a major step backwards. Searched site for a way to access email on a browser, like navigating through a maze.
Very let down and seriously worried. This glossy unneeded downgrade will have a detrimental effect on my business. Not so much unhappy as hurled into a state of emergency. About to begin the time-consuming task of evaluating alternatives to BT for the first time in twelve years of business.
Exhausting day with no work done and loads of unhappy customers.
Is there an opt out to go back to the service that worked and suited businesses?