Lots of information on how to uprade to Infnity fibre 80/20 for home users, including an online form, but nothing for business users.
When and how can we upgrade?
When I signed up for Infinity in March I was told that the speed was being increased to 80mbps in April and that I would automatically receive this.
I saw a PC World article yesterday saying this was starting today but I've not received any email from BT and I've not yet had chance to test my speed.
It's annoying that over on the BT consumer forum there is a thread fast approaching 100 pages (http://community.bt.com/t5/BT-Infinity/UPGRADE-OF-40MB-TO-80MB-SPEEDS/td-p/447535/highlight/false/pa...) with mods posting useful and uptodate information, and on the business side we have... no information.
I would phone, but I'm pretty sure they won't have a clue.
Thanks for the info JamesA, hopefully it will be like you say, automatic. Home users who have used the upgrade form or upgraded via phone (no charge but a new contract will be started) should be upgraded to 80/20 tomorrow, according to the thread linked above.
If someone from BT could please let us know, how and when will the 80/20 speed increase happen for existing BT Infinity Business customers?
I just spoke to them, in Tunbridge Wells at least they said they will be doing it on Monday morning. Apparently there will be an online form we can fill out, but it would be quicker ringing up.
Apparently their checker reckons 44Mbit, but the Max Attainable according to the modem is 59000 kbps so we'll see what we actually get! 🙂
Hope this helps!
Bit off topic, but will the routers be able to handle 80mbps speeds? My Linksys e3000 is using 75% cpu when downloading at the full, 37mbps I get now.
@3bears wrote:Bit off topic, but will the routers be able to handle 80mbps speeds? My Linksys e3000 is using 75% cpu when downloading at the full, 37mbps I get now.
The HG612 modem will be fine as they will even take higher speeds such as those that could come with the future 30Mhz profiles.
As for your Linksys - who knows? What does the spec say? What profiles will it work with?
Anything that's above 80% utilization is not a good thing anymore. This is for business and the BT device should be able to handle this since it is design to take up huge amount of BW.
Just phoned support to ask about this and they told me I that the Infinity team needed to check this so went away and came back to tell me there was nothing showing for my exchange to indicate when 80mbps would be available. They suggested I speak to sales but they are only open Monday to Friday.
If I check on the BT site to see what speed would be available if I placed an order it shows 49.2mbps so this would seem to indicate that the regrade on the exchange has already happened.
Even more reason for BT Business to let us know how to upgrade, via email, press release, forum post etc.
Finally got through via the 0800 number, upgraded to 80 / 20, but I have a few questions:
1. They said I had to have the new BT Business router. £6 delivery charge. I don't even use the BT router, but I had to have it. WHY?
2. An engineer visit is needed. WHY? I thought it was just a cap removal. All the consumer infinity users don't need an engineer visit.
I did try and discuss these concerns with sales, but didn't get anywhere. Can someone please answer the above questions?