I am thinking of moving my home BT broadband to BT business broadband as it is cheaper (better?). I currently have a Home Hub 2 and make use (infrequently) of the Broadband Talk facility which came free with it. I notice that BT Business no longer do this as a free option, but charge £5 per month (including free minutes). I prefer a system where there is no monthly fee, but rather pay for a call - as I use this line only as a backup if the main line is busy.
My question is: can either the Home Hub 2 or the 2700HGV have the phone socket reconfigured so that it can be used with 3rd party VOIP products (rather than buying an adapter)?
Any useful advice gratefully received.
For the 2700HGV I think it depends on the software version it is running. See if you can access the voice server configuration page (usually if your router is at that address).
However the default dial plan for VOIP is designed for calling standard numbers from the UK. If your VOIP provider has short numbers, e.g. for voice mail or speed dials, you will probably find that you cannot dial those numbers (see my post about VOIP dial plan)
I have just converted from Home Broadband (BTHomeHub) to Business Broadband, because I needed a static IP for business. I want to keep my Home VOIP Tel number as I have been using it for business and changing it is a pain.