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Virus on BTConnect server, what department deals with it?


Dear All,


There is a virus on the server which Norton has picked up on and warns against whenever a btconnect hosted website is searched or visited.  As we have such a site we are concerned that potential customers will not visit as they are warned that it is unsafe (even though our site does not have a problem).  The big red cross that comes up next to the address on google is particularly off putting!


We have contacted BT and been passed from department to department, but to no avail.  Who is responsible for the BTConnect server?  The address that Norton warns about being " (, 80).


Can BTConnect not investigate this problem?  Remove or suspend the infected files?  From what we have been told, it would appear, that they can only deal with virus's in emails???  Come on BT it is your server, thus it is down to you to sort it out!!!


I certainly would not want to be selling consumer items over the BTConnect system, as I would imagine that customers would think twice before clicking on a link that is listed as unsafe!


Any comments would be welcome, particularly from BT.


Accepted Solutions


Thank you to everyone that has been involved to rectifying the situation with spaldingbrown and the virus on btconnect that caused concern.  The warning from Norton saying that btconnect was unsafe appears to have gone and we now get the all clear!  We like many other business use the internet as a marketing tool, so having a bad mark against your website is pretty much a disaster.


Thanks agian!

View solution in original post



Noton can barely scan and protect your own PC let alone scan a remote server.  Norton is rubbish and so is McAfee I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole, would you trust a company that pays to get their software pre installed on PC's rather than relying on word of mouth etc?


The problem isn't with BT its with Norton.


I can't believe I registered just to say this.


There is a virus on the BTConnect server at  All I want is for BT to do something about it as it makes all other websites on that server look to be unsafe.  Thus, detering potential customers from visiting these websites.  I am sorry but I just don't think you got the point.  There are a hell of alot of people out there that use antivirus and internet protection software.  If they pick up on a virus, warning these people not to visit the btconnect server, there are going to be alot business's that are going to lose out.


Your personal view of whether Norton or McAfee are any good is trivial.  The virus is not on Norton, the virus is on BTConnect, why are you having a dig?  As for the word of mouth comment, I think that just about everyone with a pc will have heard of Norton or McAfee, they are very widely used and advertised.


If you don't know who I should contact or have anything constructive to say, why both saying anything??



Power User

Hi There,


Thanks for raising this.  We're currently looking into how we can fix this.  We will provide an update shortly.



BT Partner
BT Partner



We are aware of this  situation and have disabled the identified account and are attempting to work with Norton to remove the warning, please disregard this  warning and be assured that your domains are on a safe and secure platform.


Thank you to everyone that has been involved to rectifying the situation with spaldingbrown and the virus on btconnect that caused concern.  The warning from Norton saying that btconnect was unsafe appears to have gone and we now get the all clear!  We like many other business use the internet as a marketing tool, so having a bad mark against your website is pretty much a disaster.


Thanks agian!