I've had a bit of an odd experience over the last few weeks and figured I'd share in the hope that other BT customers don't fall for the lies that I've managed to uncover from BT resellers who call you claiming that they ARE BT.
It started about 2 months ago, I had a woman call me saying "Hi this is x from BT, did you get our email?"
Obviously the answer is "No", at which point they say "I have here x.x@company.co.uk" which is nearly right but not quite, "oh no, mine is name@company.co.uk"
Later I get an email from indirectpartners.bt.com - so obviously something to with BT, yet obviously not due to the "indirectpartners" bit.
I didn't click the link and thought no more of it. A few weeks later I get another phonecall along the same lines so this time I ask a few more questions along the line of "are you actually BT, you are an actual BT employee employed directly by BT", "yes" came back the answer. At his point I called the BT Local Business franchise that I originally signed up with and told them what had happened, they told me that all genuine BT employees have an EIN number.
Next time someone called me, I asked for their EIN number - they couldn't give me one. When I explained I had spoken to BTLB they then said "oh, BT have outsourced their customer service to us and we handle BT Business OnePlan" again, checked with BT directly - they never do this. They also then told me that if I didn't renew my OnePlan that I would be cut off - I have since recieved a letter from BT retail telling me that if I DO NOTHING I will continue to recieve the exact same package that I have always had.
On this call I eventually managed to push the woman to admit that she worked for a reseller.
This company clearly do have some kind of business contract with BT as a reseller because they have access to a system that then sends out emails from bt.econsent@bt.com, if I weren't so heavily suspisicious I might have clicked the link and god knows what I would be signing up for.
Basically, the warning is that if you recieve phone calls from anyone claiming to be BT, don't give them an email address and if you do, carefully check that you aren't clicking anything on a link that contains "indirectpartners.bt.com" even if it does appear that the email is from BT.com
I have picked up this case on your new thread - Who handles "data protection act" violations?
I am going to close this thread to save any cross posting or confusion
Kind Regards
BT Business Forum Moderator