this has got to be a joke i have a few weeks off come back and bt have supposedly upgraded there software sending us back 15 years into the dark ages cant remote access from my phone i followed all the steps but no joy using pop or imap orange seems to be a stmbling block , cant use live messenger followed all steps but wont work , does anyone think this is acceptable in buisness where you need to be intouch with clients 24 7 if i could phisically hit someone who thought of this i would . i just want to acccess my mail from home at least but with windows 7 the only option is messenger and ive followed the steps but just keeps coming up with errors when trying to connect.
Sorry but I'm lost here. Are you referring to having problems with RDP(Remote Desktop) or sending and receiving emails?
MSN came into the pciture too. We can troubleshoot this one at a time. I would call the tech support on this for faster reponse since you have few issues.