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ftp problem?


Hi all


My first post - be nice please! Smiley Very Happy


I can't seem to connect to the BT server via ftp. I first failed yesterday morning and gave up. Been trying intermittently all morning today and failed. I get the message that the server is busy and the program just keeps trying. None of my settings have been changed, so I'm fairly confident it's not generated at my end.


Is this a known problem at BT's end?





H jacquicee


I'm not getting the same problem as you are...perhaps you could double-check your ftp connection settings?


You just need to check that your host name is either "" or just "". Then, of course, make sure you are using the correct username/password combination. The rest of your ftp program settings should be at their default settings (it depends on which ftp program you're using).


But if you could sign in to your ftp server before, then it's best to contact BT tech support. The contact link is on the main "Website hosting & domains" page inside the purple box on the right.