That would depend entirely on which web authoring application you used. For most you should be able to simply copy and paste the code in, however if you are using EasySiteWizard Pro it will be slightly different.
Please advise how you created the site.
Hi, i'm quite new to this.
I am using easysitewizard and was wondering where I insert the code snippits for easy live chat?
For the Agent code snippet, start a blank text document using Notepad or similar and paste in the code. Save it with the filename 'agent.html' or something like that to somewhere that you will fine it (Desktop, etc). All you need to the do is open this file to be able to login as the agent.
For the Client code you can pretty much forget this as it will not import into EasySiteWizard Pro. Instead, take some text and create a hyperlink to You will probably want to tick the 'open in new window' option.
This is pretty much all you need to do. You log in as the Agent, the public logs in as the Client.
i have this newly installed on my website.
however, it won't let my agent log in - can someone help please?