It started a few days ago and has been persistent whenever the computer is active, whether I'm using Outlook or not. There is a 'bong' and I know that my unwelcome piggybacker has logged on as me and has sent out messages. I don't know if any have actually been despatched because what I get is error messages: 'A message could not be sent' followed by 'Logon failure: unknown username or bad password' followed by '5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful'
What is going on? has anybody else had a similar 'attack'?
You may well have a virus or trojan on your PC.
Get your AV software up to date and run a full scan with the PC offline - you may ven need to try running it in safe mode too.
Also get a copy of Malwarebytes and run that.
HI Counsellormort
MHC is correct a virus and malware scan is the correct way to go - it may also be worth while to rest the password on your account incase this has been compromised.
why don't you complain your provider ?
I received an e mail today supposed to be from BT Customer Service saying my e mail has been infected with a Trojan Virus & to click on a link which says Recover Now (which is supposed to delete the virus).
Is this a genuine e mail or spam/hacker etc?
Almost certainly an attempt to get access to your password.
My emails have been invaded and I want to close this email account and get a new account. Can you please tell me how to do this?
OK, it looks from the number of posts made here that there has been a new spate of spam attempts,
If you are unsure of any email claiming to be from BT please forward this to who can help prevent further attacks as well as help with compromised accounts.
You can also contact us for help with this and I assure you we will do everything we can to get this back to its uncompressed secure state and keep it that way.