Hi folks yesterday i took out the £5pm package and i am having difficullty uploading my site through dreamweaver. i have enterd all the details and checked them and double checked them and when i try to link to remote server i get a message syaing: An ftp erroer has ocured-can not make connection to host. the remote host can not be found.
i also get this message aswell:
Please help i have been through the forum but can not seem to find what i am looking for
Thank you
surely FTP has been turned off?!
do you really want your login to go over the internet in plain text ready for anyone to sniff off your wireless?
you should be using SSH/SCP/SFTP/FTPS.
call me a bit thick but EH????????
I believe he is referring to potential security issues with FTP depending on the FTP client you use. SSH is another, more secure option which is availible in some packages, it duplicates the fuction of FTP, among other things.