I'm on copper to the exchange. I had standard BT Broadband and was getting about 2.5-3.0Mb. My company put in BT Business Broadband line and I get 3.5-4.5Mb. Same copper, same routers inside the house, so there's something different in the exchange I guess?
BT are charging me £35/month for BT Business Broadband, no phone calls. I'm out of contract. Just spoke to BT and there's nothing they can do. He said the computer system literally won't let him place any orders, so I'm stuck with the price.
Had a quote from Daisy Communications for 19.95/month for business broadband. If I go with them, will it use the same "kit" in the exchange as BT is currently using, or will Daisy Communications have it's own "kit" inside the exchange, which may not be as good as BT?
I suggest you use a comparison site to see what's available for your postcode. It's OpenReach that owns the infrastructure unless you use one of the companies like Virgin which has its own fibre network.