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BTNet NRO - IP settings




I'm working with a client who have opted for a BTNet 1000MBPS No Router Option install, and have got an ADVA FSP 150-GE102PRO installed by a BT engineer. This presents an SFP interface.


We've installed a Draytek Vigor 3910, and connected it to the SFP port on the ADVA via one of the SFP+ ports on the Vigor, but when it comes to WAN configuration, we're a bit stuck as we seem to be missing some IP information from BT.


Our customer ordered 5 static IPv4 addresses, and originally BT only sent over the "BTnet_NRO_User_Guide" documentation without any IP details at all. After chasing for some IP details, we got an email apologising and saying they were supposed to have been sent already, then explaining as follows:


IPv4 Directly Connected Section: 
IPV4 Network Address : 
IPV4 Network Mask : 
IPV4 BTnet NTE Router LAN Address : 
The ???IPV4 BTnet NTE Router LAN Address??? is your default gateway. The ???IPV4 BTnet NTE Router LAN Address??? + 1 is your first useable address and should be configured on your equipment. The same format should be followed for IPV6 if you are using those addresses.

IPv6 Directly Connected Section: 
IPV6 Network Address : 
IPV6 Network Mask : 
IPV6 BTnet NTE Router LAN Address : 

Information for your subnets that are not directly connected to your BTnet connection: 

IPv4 Non-Directly Connected Section 
IPV4 Network Address : X.X.X.16 
IPV4 Network Mask : 
IPV4 Next Hop Address : Y.Y.Y.Y 

IPv6 Non-Directly Connected Section: 
IPV6 Network Address : Z:Z:40C9:: 
IPV6 Network Mask : /56 
IPV6 Next Hop Address : A:A:A:A:A:A:A:1A01 

For DNS look up use the following DNS servers: - - 

Based on our reading of the "BTnet_NRO_User_Guide", we're supposed to have some details about the BTnet access router address and we should be using that + 1 as our WAN IP and a network mask of However, that information hasn't been supplied.


Are we understanding the documentation properly, or are we completely missing something? Do we need to get our customer to go back to BT support to get some further details?



Hi fogatr,


Did you get a response at all?   We're also in the same situation.


We did eventually, yes.


The document we'd been sent was totally missing the required information and we were apparently meant to receive the information within the guide we were sent. It's only after PaulC1 chased up and got the information for us that we actually got what we were supposed to. Sounds like this is a common problem with the No Router Option (if I were a glass half empty type of guy I might suggest BT wanted to up-sell their fully managed service...).


PaulC1 provided us with the details of:


- The IP address to be used on the outside of their firewall

- The default gateway


Both of which are fairly crucial!


Good to hear.   Glad you got things working.


We got an email like you from BT, but it was missing any info under the 'IPv4 Directly Connected Section' which I think is what we need (gateway, net mask, useable range).


Did you have to do anything with next hop addresses?






Hi PaulC1,


I have the same issue, can you send me an email so we can discuss router network settings for my BTNet?





Hi Paul,


I am also missing the directly connected IP information for a BT wires only circuit install. Is there a number that I can call to get that information?




Information for your subnets that are directly connected to your BTnet connection: 


IPv4 Directly Connected Section: 

IPV4 Network Address                                 :   

IPV4 Network Mask                                      :   

IPV4 BTnet NTE Router LAN Address         :   

The 'IPV4 BTnet NTE Router LAN Address' is your default gateway. The 'IPV4 BTnet NTE Router LAN Address' + 1 is your first useable address and should be configured on your equipment. The same format should be followed for IPV6 if you are using those addresses.



IPv6 Directly Connected Section: 

IPV6 Network Address                   :   

IPV6 Network Mask                                        :   

IPV6 BTnet NTE Router LAN Address       :   


Hi Paul,


We are experiencing exactly the same issue - setting up our wires only connection on a fortigate FG200F

we were provided this:

IPv4 Non-Directly Connected Section
IPV4 Network Address   : x.x.x.208
IPV4 Network Mask                        :  
IPV4 Next Hop Address : x.x.x.33   

fibre goes to a transceiver - configured port as a "WAN" port

IPV4 Next Hop Address +1 (.34)/ subnet configured as provided from your guys (.248)

We then configure the WAN gateway as the the x.x.x.208 address

Testing ping externally using the .34 as the source IP fails for
but it also fails to be able to ping .33 / .32 also
Any help is really appreciated!!!!!


Set the SDWAN gateway as the 




I was able to call 011-44-808-100-2440 Option 2 for BTNet. After providing account number, business name, and address, I got the information I needed. The PXPIP number is good to have ready if available. 


can you please send to me what is the solution of this i have the same case , and need your help 


can you please help me as i have the same issue with ISR 4321 cisco router