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Btnet username and password

Hi there,

I recently got a btnet fiber leased line installed. It is active but I am unable to access it as I don't have a username and password for my connection to establish a PPPOE session on my router. I called bt multiple times but they seem to have little knowledge. Any assistance would be appreciated

BT Employee
BT Employee

Hi 3crownsamigos


Hope you are well. Sorry to hear you are having these issues.


I myself have not had much experience when it comes to PPPOE details in regards to leased lines. I know that for regular ADSL or FTTC/FTTP services that getting your username/password is something we are able to do on our side no problem, so I would have assumed that it would have been the same on the leased line side of things.


I know you have already spoken with us on the phone, but I would try again directly on 0800 100 2440, which should put you through to our BTNet repair team who would be best suited to deal with your query.


If you still have no joy, get back to me and I will see what I can find out for you once I am back in the office.


