I am really pleased with the Business Smart Hub. In particular, the wifi is solid. However, the one thing that doesn't seem to work properly is access control. I have it set up to remove access overnight until the next day, but it keeps switching off. Every now and again I check and it is switched off. Switch it on, save, and it works for a while before switching off again.
Any thoughts about this or do I have to live with it?
Thanks in advance.
Hi KevinW,
The business hub doesn't have any access/parental controls like the BT Homehub does. Although this is being looked at for a future firmware update. This will explain why the hub is losing the details you are putting in. I'll bookmark this post and when I find out more information I will update this.
Hi Paul,
What do you mean by it doesn't have access controls? Is this not access control?
This certainly works while it remains set, it just randomly either switches off access control completely or, like I just found before taking this screenshot, it disables the individual device access control.
Hi KevinW,
Can you PM me please? I can't see the picture you posted and i can investigate more.