I've had Hybrid connect installed for about a month now.
The first device would not connect to my router, so that was replaced.
The second device connected Ok to my smart hub 2, and I could get a good 4g signal. After about a week the 4G signal started flashing red, and has been like that ever since.
I've subsequently upgraded to a Business smart hub 3, and whilst the device connects to my new hub OK, I still cannot get a 4G signal.
I know I have a good 4g signal as my phone connects fine to it (EE by the way)
Any suggestions as to what the problem is here ?
From what you have said we would be best to get our technical support team to speak to you about this. If you message me directly I can take your details and arrange for them to discuss this. They are also available on 0800800154.
Thank you