I am trying to setup up my new Business Smart Hub 2 to ip address 10.0.0.xxx and it wont let me.
I get this error "These ip settings are not valid on the BT Business smart hub" has anyone come across this and is there
a fix for it.
Many Thanks
Hi runningbear21,
The Smarthub 2 doesn't support the 10.x.x.x range of IP addresses. Also the hub doesn't support IP adresses 192.168.x.0 or 172.16.x.0 either. Any number between 1-254 is acceptable, just not 0.
I hope this makes sense. If you need any more information, please come back to me
10.x.x.x is an unsupported IP range, so even if you try harder, you won't be able to log in. Try another ip range. iscribble