Hi, I'm a Deliverability Consultant based in the UK and working for a large Email Service Provider. I have several B2C customers who are in the process of warming up new IPs for their commercial and transactional emails as well as some that are already on established IPs. In many cases (and increasingly so) we are seeing regular block bounces with the following error:
3.2.2 (undefined status) Message rejected on 2019/11/15 13:31:02 GMT, policy ( ID (5D6F9F9E0E74C640) - Your message looks like SPAM or has been reported as SPAM
We are seeing high block bounces for almost each send and regardless of how small or large the volume (150 vs 50k), the reputation of the IP, or quality of the subscribers and level of engagement seen for BT domains. I understand from experience that one of the filtering checks that are made in this process is also against Cyren however even when these IPs are labelled and indetified as No risk there, the block bounces are still occurring.
This appears to be impacting multiple large Enterprise clients that I'm working with and I'm looking for help. I've been chasing Postmasters at both postmaster@btinternet.com and postmaster@bt.com to little avail. The lack of response is truly disappointing to what I feel is a legitimate issue impacting many businesses. I want to understand whether there is a technical limitation impacting these deliveries e.g. perhaps our ESP MTA settings when sending to BT domains, or if there is an underlying problem impacting our IP ranges, something on the BT side or otherwise (legitimate spam complaint thresholds being breached that we cannot see).
I would welcome any urgent support or communication to help encourage a more helpful response than what I'm getting so that I can give something back to my many clients and can guide them towards a resolution. Thank you kindly! John
Hi John
Very sorry to hear you are having issues with this - this is one I have come across a few times in the past. Btinternet/btopenworld etc are all essentially residential emails, that we on the business side of things do not have access to. We would normally advise following the steps here, but it sounds like you have already been down that road with little success.
Have you contacted the residential team directly? You may be able to speak to someone in relation to this to try and speed up the process of getting a reply from that postmaster email, as they are really the people that would need to deal with it.
My apologies about that! I'll do a bit of digging to see if there are any other avenues you can proceed down with this one.
Thanks for the reply Ryan. I have tried that team and unfortunately they told me it wasn't the right forum to post this and directed me to you. Any contacts or help to try and get a better response and support is absolutely welcome. Thank you.
I have had a look on my end for you, but everyone I speak to directs me to the postmaster email again. All of my contacts are in BT Business, but I wouldn't really have contact with anyone on the residential side. There used to be a livechat asscosiated with that also - so really the only other port of call I could recommend would be the residential livechat team that you can access here.
Again, I do apologise about this issue - as I say we on the business side of things cannot even access bitinternet or openworld email addresses on our systems, so to be quite honest there is not much we can do. The bouncebacks will be coming from Yahoo servers, which only the residential guys have access to - so only they would really be in a positition to help.
I would fire off a few more emails to postmaster to try and catch their attention, and I would try the chat link I mentioned above. Hopefully you can catch the attention of someone that is able to resolve this issue for you.
Thanks for the help Ryan. It's the most helpful response I've had to date from anyone associated with BT over several weeks of trying, so for that I genuinely appreciate the advice and the efforts to help here. I'll keep peservering until I get a response! Cheers, John
No worries John!
I really do wish I could be of more help with this one - I will keep asking about for you too, but not sure what else we can do from the business side of things as I say. Fingers crossed we can get somoene managing this. It is an issue that I have seen before as I said in my first reply, and really I would have hoped it would be something that the guys working on the postmaster side would have dealt with already. Let me know if you have any joy with the residential guys!