My wife still uses her old btconnect.com email, from the time when we had a btconnect service, fhamilton@btconnect.com . she has got a new phone and tablet and during the setup process access to her email has stopped and she cannot remember the password. It was hard-wired on my computer but that has stopped as well. I logged onto the secure.business.bt.com. site and followed the process, a pin was sent to my btconnect email and I was able to change the password. But I can not connect with the new password. Should that change take effect immediately?
Can you confirm it has changed, if not are you able to reset?
I’m using the following pop3 details, which worked until earlier today, Wed 5/10/22
Port 995,
Port 587
StartTLS andSPA
Robert Hamilton
Hi Rhamilton868220
Can she log into her email using Outlook Web Access? https://login.microsoftonline.com/
to change your password for your btconnect.com email address, go to secure.business.bt.com. You then enter your email address into the box provided and click "i've forgotten my password" this will take you through the reset journey.
Great work and thanks for sharing.