I've been with Three for as long as I can remember, and their Go Roam feature which allowed me to use my data in most countries I visit without any extra expense was one of the main driving factors for this.
Recently, they've announced that they are removing this feature and they're going to start charging just like everyone else who claimed they would never introduce a charge.
Unless it ends up being the cheapest to stay with them, then I'm looking for other phone providers. I was wondering who everyone is with and why? I'm interested in other perks you may have besides low costs too.
Cheers guys 🙂
Smarty have some good deals and good customer service. They are owned by Three.
Hi Hayli,
If you want to discuss the options we have on business contracts with EE I can ask for a mobile specialist to call you. Just direct message and I can take some details and arrange it.
Thank you