We have CVE with 1 line and 3 Yealink handsets. May I ask a few questions to confirm the business had chosen the right product please:
1) CVE can only handle a single call incoming/outgoing at a time?
2) Is CVE only a single-line solution? what if we added another 2nd Line- upgrade to Cloud Voice?
3) if Q1 is true, and has forwarding to a mobile set-up - if the line is busy and a second call comes in, will it forward to the mobile acting as a second line or will the customer get a busy tone(or divert to Voicemail)
4) it sounds like they chose the wrong solution as they were under the impression that the 3 handsets could handle 3 VoIP calls simultaneously over the 1 line. So assume Cloud Voice is the right option?
5) just to confuse the issue - while the line was being used I tested to see if i could make an outgoing call and was able to ring out to my mobile. confused
really appreciate your help thanks Mark
Hi eBikeMark
1.) Correct. CVE is only meant to take 1 inbound or outbound call per number.
2.) You can have multiple numbers assigned to the same Cloud Voice Express service. These numbers would then be independent of each other and would be able to make and receive their own calls.
3.) When a call is forwarded for CVE it is forwarded from the CVE number, so if it's forwarding is set for a mobile it's intended purpose is to go to busy as the CVE line is busy and unable to make the forwarding call. If you have voicemail setup, this will then go to the voicemail service.
4.) If you require a single business number that can accept and make multiple calls at a time then yes this would be Cloud Voice, not CVE.
5.) This is not the intended purpose of the product but can happen zx there have been bugs with the system which can cause this.
thank you BethM. it sounds like we need to upgrade to CV. I will confirm with the boss first thanks