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Whitelisting IP address




We are a small charitable heritage business with a single shop selling  tickets and gifts.
We have just received  from our EPOS supplier a request for us to Whitelist some
WorldPay IP addresses on our  SH2 router, they are relocating their services to another Data Centre.
This is what they say.


Due to the nature of this change, we need to work with you to add the new server IP
addresses to the allowlist/whitelist of various dependent services, like your SMTP
server, payment gateway, or local router firewall. We will be in touch with you on an
individual basis to manage these 3 minor but important changes that you need to
make to ensure a seamless migration is accomplished.

Our EPOS doesn't use our email system so the SMTP part I think is not applicable,  if required  I could whitelist IP addresses for individual email accounts.
Not sure what a payment gateway is,  as we only have 2 card machines connected to our tills.  I think
a large supermarket or chain would have a payment gateway server.
Now coming back to our  BT SH2 router is there a way of allowing/whitelisting specific IP addresses?

I have a horrible feeling that this requirement was aimed at larger operations than ours.






To whitelist an IP address on the BT Smart Hub 2, you would generally manage this through either the firewall settings or by configuring port forwarding rules. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

### Whitelist an IP via Firewall Rules:
1. **Access the BT Smart Hub 2 Interface:**
- Open a web browser and type `` in the address bar.
- Press `Enter`. This will take you to the router's login page.

2. **Log in to the Hub Manager:**
- Enter the admin password. This can be found on the back of your Smart Hub 2 or in the information provided with the router.

3. **Go to Advanced Settings:**
- Once logged in, click on the **"Advanced Settings"** tab.
- You may be asked to confirm or re-enter your admin password again.

4. **Navigate to Firewall Settings:**
- Click on **"Firewall"** in the left-hand menu.
- Look for a section labeled **"Manage devices and IP addresses"** or **"IP filtering"** depending on your firmware version.

5. **Add the IP Address to the Whitelist:**
- Find the option to add a specific IP address to the firewall's whitelist or to allow incoming traffic from that address.
- Enter the IP address you want to whitelist and confirm the changes.

6. **Save and Apply the Settings:**
- Once you’ve entered the IP address, save and apply the changes.

### Whitelist via Port Forwarding (if needed):
If your goal is to allow traffic from a specific IP to access a service on your local network, port forwarding can also achieve this:

1. **Access the BT Hub Interface** as described earlier.
2. Go to **"Advanced Settings"** → **"Port Forwarding"**.
3. Select **"Add New Rule"**.
4. Set the rule to forward traffic from the specific external IP address to a device on your internal network.

After saving, this will route traffic from that IP through specific ports to the designated device.

This should allow your device to accept connections from the whitelisted IP.