I've set up a site using EasySiteWizard. Is there anyway I can make pages auto refresh rather than asking people to hit their refresh button?. i.e use meta codes in the header
Advice welcome
Many thanks
If your OK to add your own HTML this will work.
3600 is 5 minutes in seconds, you can change this to whatever you want.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3600;URL=name-of-this-page.html">
Some browsers might not understand the abbreviated form.
To refresh at 5 minutes past the hour according to the user's system clock:
<script type="text/javascript">
var timer = setInterval("checkTime()", 1000 * 60);
function checkTime()
if(new Date().getMinutes() == 5)
This will not work if the user's browser doesn't support JavaScript; the meta-refresh will.