After an unsuccessful upgrading I cannot see options page (
It does not open. Thus HUB it is connected to the computer normally on WIFI or LAN (IP
How I can restore old firmware (ver: v6.3.9.41-plus.tm) ?
As you "upgraded" to non-BT firmware, you took that risk your self.
You re-flashed the firmeware to Qwest QT04- and now expect to do the impossible and return it to BT version
You now have a very expensive BRICK!
This is interesting. The IP shouldn't be changed on the upgrade. Can you at least ping Also check your notebook, maybe it has a static assigned on a different subnet.
Trying other browsers might help too.
@kimura wrote:This is interesting. The IP shouldn't be changed on the upgrade.
Why not?
The ISP or manufacturer can specify any of the public IP ranges for the default - 10.xxx.xxx.xxx or 172.16.xxx.xxx or 192.168.xxx.xxxand define whatever they wish within those ranges to be the router default.
Ping on passes successfully
But the page of options does not open.
I notebook has dynamic IP DHCP
The modem gives out to it following IP -
You now have a very expensive BRICK!
There is no decision of this problem?
Unless there is no program of restoration of a factory firmware?