It seems to be a re-occuring problem lately but my customers are getting the adhoc Password error and are not receiving/sending mail.
Anyone else getting the problem today and can BT explain?
since this started we can no longer get emails to our Blackberries (BIS). We have Email Plus Organise and Share and have been using BIS via Outlook Web Access option for the past year. I've tried reverting to POP/IMAP at my BIS Portal but it refuses to find the BT servers. Originally though it was a blackberry issues but after some testing it now looking like its a BT one.
I can logon fine via Outlook Web Access but obviously the BIS server cannot.
Hi all,
Can you please private message me with your details if you are still having problems with your mail.
BT Forum Moderator
Hasthsi problem been resolved as i am having a similar problem
Yep again we are having problems. Some mail being sent others not. Some being returned with :
The e-mail account does not exist at the organization this message was sent to. Check the e-mail address, or contact the recipient directly to find out the correct address.
< #5.1.1 SMTP; 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for xxx@xxx>
Yes I have been having problems on BT internet for a few weeks but I find if I reset the password it cures the problem momontarily.
Email was very slow yesterday and not working today.
Error message reads 'Mail server responded: Unrecognised internal error:0x80200104'
Please sort this out pronto !
We are having the same problem in our office too.
1 colleague has logged on to the bt website to check his emails but I can't do seem to do that either, I get a message stating 'service unavailable'
so currently i cannot check my emails
please can someone offer some help
Now getting a different error message - ' Connect attempt failed: server may be down or too busy to respond '
Tell me something I don't know !
my error message has cahnged to the same now
How does BT Outlook works if you already have MS Outlook?