Hi there,
I currently have BT Infinity for Business - Advance (option 2) up to 40mb downstream and up to 10mb upstream.
Does anyone know what the download limit is for this type of account - on my contract it states unlimited.
But if someone can clarify the exact figure i'd be grateful.
It is truly unlimited - as far as I know. However, you may find that peer to peer and downloads from filesharing sites are throttled at peak times.
There is also a fair use policy so, get up to over 300GB / month and you might see the FUP implemented - but anyone doing 15GB /day woud be extremely rare.
Just to clarify this, the basic Advance package on Fibre has a 100 GB limit in the same way the ADSL one has a 50 GB limit. So in other words you would be charged after you passed that.
It is, however, unlimited in that you can carry on past the 100 GB mark.
Hope that helps.
Dave A
Why would it be extremely rare for someone to download 15 gb a day, say for instance you download a couple of songs, do some surfing, download some paper work, download a blue ray movie for the night, well thats you way over 15gb and with the new online movie rental services it's more common than you would think to download 100 gig in one week, thats if you only download a blue ray movie once for five nights and do nothing else.
So if you use your broadband for buisness and personnal use then 300 gb a month is no way near enough.
Downloading Blu Ray size movies is still the exception rather than the rule to be honest. I agree that it will become more commonplace in the long term, but for now I would say that the average mortal probably does somewhere between 20 GB and 60 GB.
I personally think that in another couple of years all ISPs with data limits will have to start upwardly revising them, but then all they'll do is add a couple of quid on as well.
Dave A