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Broadband crashing regularly and thus speed collapsing too


Over the past 6 - 8 weeks, my Broadband has regularly crashed, and when  that happens the speed dives to around 0.12 / 0.35 mbps - feeble to say the least

BT have so far after 5 or 6 attempts failed to solve this problem. I am promised " that my line / account parameters will be changed " -- no go -  " my line will be manually re-set "  - still no go and an engineer visited me on  19 April - 2 hours and a new wall socket and router later - and we two both frustrated - after a tel/call to somebody he achieved a speed of aound 2.8 mbps and then decided the problem fixed. I am in N W Norfolk an area noted for slow Broadband speeds but 2.8 mbps is poor by other standards but the norm hereabouts. Within 48 hours Broadband crashed again and speed dives to 0.35.

My internal wiring etc has been checked by an INDEPENDENT tel/com firm locally - no problems found . So....the fault is on BT `s line.

I am so very very frustrated at not being able to complain to someone in UK - and I seriously question whether BT has the ability to find the problem. I am paying for a Broadband service that I often do not get... maybe I am due for an " ex gratia" refund ?????// H E L P  somebody  P L E A S E  !!!!!!!


Power User

I concur. Can you please run a tracert at a time you get less than 1Mbps speed? Let's see which hop it fails.

Run this at cmd: "tracert"


Thank you mithcd for your reply. My speed today Sunday is 0.13mbps - even worse.  I am afraid being a complete duffer at such things I haven`t a clue how to run a tracert ?