For the past couple of days, I have been unable to send emails to Hotmail addresses. They keep being bounced back. Phoned BT this morning, and they said it was a Hotmail issue but webmail was not affected!
Any one else having problems?
Any ideas of a workaround without having to resort to webmail?
I am aware of this issue as well. It seems to have started around Tuesday lunchtime. Myself and 2 colleagues have experienced it - you get a undeliverable mail that says the email account does not exist. Does anyone have a fix? Is this BT or Hotmail problem?
Thanks and best wishes
Yes I have had exactly the same problem for last 2 days, previously not had a problem. People I mail say they are receiving mail from other hotmail users tho. Sorry no idea what to do to get round it. Guess I will just have to keep trying til it works again
Any chance someone can paste the full return error?
I received two different error messages throughout the day. Here they are:
Your message
To: Emily Macnish
Subject: Fw:
Sent: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 09:38:48 -0000
did not reach the following recipient(s):
<customername>@hotmail.co.uk on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 09:38:51 -0000
The e-mail account does not exist at the organization this message
was sent to. Check the e-mail address, or contact the recipient
directly to find out the correct address.
< c2bthomr06.btconnect.com #5.1.1 SMTP; 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay
for <customername>@hotmail.co.uk>
Your message
To: <customername>@btinternet.com
Sent: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 12:05:52 -0000
did not reach the following recipient(s):
<customername>@btinternet.com on Wed, 18 Nov 2009 12:05:58 -0000
The e-mail system was unable to deliver the message, but did not
report a specific reason. Check the address and try again. If it still
fails, contact your system administrator.
< c2bthomr07.btconnect.com #5.0.0 SMTP; 554 delivery error: dd This
user doesn't have a btinternet.com account
(<customername> @btinternet.com) [0] - mta829.mail.ird.yahoo.com>
<Message has been edited by the moderator, customer email address removed to prevent Spam>
Fiona - BT Business Forum Moderator
Another thing I've noticed.............it's added all the returned Hotmail addresses to my Contacts list in Windows Mail. Any ideas why?
Hi there,
If the btconnect webmail works then it's not hotmails problem.
That error message does relate to a problem with hotmail server though which is a bit contradictory I know but it doesn't make much sense. Maybe the error message received back from hotmail is just being interprated by the btconnect servers as address not found and it's actually another issue.
It could be a DNS issue with the connect smtp servers, although webmail uses the same servers so I am baffled to be honest.
It really has to be a bt problem. Maybe hotmail is rejecting emails from btconnect due to some sort of security issue, they may have blacklisted bt which has happened before and its just reporting the wrong message.
Have you tried powercycling the router to pick up a new IP?
Go to whatismyip.com and let me know the ip, I can run a blacklist check.
Three times I have tried powercycling the router to pick up a new IP. Also been to whatismyip.com and done a blacklist check with the three different IP addresses! Two were blacklisted, the third wasn't!
Any ideas anybody?
My emails appear to be sending to hotmail address but are never arriving.
I do not get any error message.
How can i get round this? Is it BT or HOTMAIL problem?
Can anyone help please.