I am currently getting cyber attacked through my wifi. Sombody can connect to my macbook pro and log in as a user account which is apparent by looking at Terminal. Is there anyway I can change the firewall settings at all?
Firstly, turn WiFi OFF on your MacBook
Then use an Ethernet cable to connect to the router.
Turn Wireless OFF on the router.
Leave it off for an several hours so they may think it has "gone away".
Change your SSID, change the wireless password completely.
Find the MAC address of the device that is access your macBook and then bar it from your router.
How do I find the mac address please?
how do I change the ssid also please?
By the way this happened since I downloaded a program by accident. I have since changed the hard drive so there are no computer programs dodgy on my computer. Every time I connect on wifi though this user called some-guy is in Terminal.
In your browser type Hiome which will take you to teh Routers home page ... then Settings, LAN, Statistics ...
That will show all recently connected devices with their details including MAC address
SSID >>>> Settings, LAN, Wireless
Don't know much about MacBooks, but is there some Malware running?
Definitely no malware running no as I changed the HD of my computer and the same problem persisted. I will try what you have said tonight thanks
This is bad. Does changing your router security password works? It would be better not to use WiFi for a few days instead.
ed turning the wifi off for a week but that didnt work
I checked the mac address connected to wifi and it is different to the mac address of my computer
who is some-guy???????
Wireless | Some-Guy |
Ethernet | No devices detected |
USB | No devices detected |
Telephones | 0 handset registered |