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Drayek 2830n not connecting properly


Hi All, I'm after some guidance if possible.


I went to a site to change their current and working NON BT Cisco/Linksys router for a Draytek 2830 VPN ADSL Router, an industry standard router. The line is standard ADSL connection with Dynamic IP.


I'll keep this as brief as possible but when the Drayek connects to BT it does its hand shake and picks up details of :-


IP 172.16.x.x GW 213.1.x.x and "DNS Servers" of x 2 (yes the same DNS Server twice) this "DNS Server" is also a redirect page for a BT wholesale connections which aren't working.......once connected though there is no internet traffic passing and you can't ping anything from either the router or the LAN.


BT Business Telephone support point blank refused to help troubleshoot or investigate as they can see the connection authenticating even though the DNS Servers and probably the IP as well are clearly incorrect, all they could say was "its a 3rd party router it must be a setting on the router" they couldn't answer why it was picking up those settings and refused to look as the they could see the connection and the other router on site works fine so their job is done.


The router that is currently in and working is a linksys router and that picks up completely different details of Internet IP : 109.153.x.x    Default Gateway:   217.32.x.x      DNS 1:      DNS 2:


I tried two different Drayek routers to eliminate the possibility that it could be the router itself.

I tried manually entering DNS address

I double checked the ADSL login details

Draytek the router manufacturer had never come across the issue before and just asked me to update the firmware and reset to default which I'd already done.

BT refused point blank to help any further.


The site is in the Isle of Wight and i'm in Manchester, any suggestions on where to go next?








Hi there Justtech

a 172 Ip address means either the PPP password does not match the username or the routers Generic settings are incorrect.

Here are the BT default Generic settings

You could also go to > My Services > Connection Settings and reset the PPP password so we are certain this is correct.


Connection type: PPPoA (PPPoATM)
VCI = 38, VPI = 0
Encapsulation: VCMUX
Modulation: G.DMT
RFC: 2364
Network type: WAN (Not LAN)


Hope this helps






Many thanks Adam, i did try those exact settings whilst i was on site without any success. Why did the BT Support line not tell me that about the PPP password? they did confirm it was the correct password that was being used though so i'm still at square one. I have used these routers on many BT connections before without issue.