My Broadband has been down for 3 weeks. It's a configuration problem where BT seem unable to link my Broadband registration to my telephone number. 3 WEEKS! I call daily (they always suggest I use the internet to check on the status of my boradband issue - how stupid is that?).
I've had this service over 2 years. I am a business, I need internet access, and importantly, my customers and employees need to be able to upload files to our servers - so this is impacting my business. It seems BT Wholesale move at glacial speeds. Am I entitled to compensation? Who can I write to in order to escalate? I pay a premium and get 3rd world service. They promised to have it fixed in 48 hrs originally.. dream on.
Call the helpdesk and insist on an immediate escalation. Do not accept "we will call back", but be prepared to hold for a while. Once escalated you should find things start to move.
When you go through the issue with te adviser be firm and say that you are not prepared to do any tests or try anything but want the problem escalated - make sure tha they know you will not complain about them (or they could be awkward!).
When you have it escalalated, ask for a 3G modem to be sent to you as a temporary solution that will allow you to get on line until th eproblem is resolved. I had one for about 6-8 weeks following a major fault which BT could not fix because the Local Authority were being awkward.
Then insist that you get a call every 2 days - Monday, Wednesday and Friday to update you on progress. Previously, they have given me a number to call and PIN which put me straight through to the team dealing with a problem.
Actually, I did this 10 days ago and they call me back daily but always to say it is being passed to wholseale for an engineer to be allocated, or no progress, or "it should be fixed now". I've had 3 managers accept ownership but they don't call again. They offered a dongle but we are in an isolated area (and ironically use Vodafone suresignal over broadband as the only 3G access!).
I have assigned IP addresses so remotes can access server to upload and download large files - I'm using Rapidshare for this now but it doesn't look professional with some clients (who block it).
Tonight I wrote to Ian Livingstone (BT CEO) and Liv Garfield (Openreach CEO) as one last plea for help. The issue is in the config - they tried to align my Broadband account with my landline account (for some obscure reason they were on seperate account numbers) and now the broadband won't authenticate with the new landline account. It's a simple config change (that they manged to screw up in the first place and now can't resolve). Physically we have an ADSL signal and it checks out, it just fails on authentication.
Not much more I can suggest but hopefully one of the mods here will see this and nudge a few people.
For general reference (not the OP who will know what's happening) I checked this case and it's with High Level Escalations as of today, and a fault has been raised with BT Wholesale about the mismatch.
Just so you know.