Is there a way of saving all the configurations setting to a file outside on the box? Thus allowing a simple upload of the file if you have any issue with the router. Most other router manufacturers have this option but can't seem to find it in the BT box.
The 2700 had recently been playing up and then just stopped. Did the usual, unplug, make a cup of tea, plug in and wait.....and wait.....and wait.....then it sparked into life but things weren't good - manage to get to the management page and found it had reset to default parameter, reset my password, lost all the IP address for the wireless connections, couldn't even remember the name of the ethernet attached PC!
And Bt's response?......Sorry, nothing we can do, you will have to set everything up again!!
So, is there a way to save the configuration files outside of the box?
Polite Request to BT
If not, can BT please make this an urgent request....you are supplying to a business and if your hardware fails and your customer cannot conduct business then this is a major issue, particularly if they lose hours in setting up everything again...
A short Rant
Oh yes, the kind Rep on the BT Support line said " we have made a note on your account and if this happens again, we will send out a new box" !!!! So, i have to lose all my work again, before they send me a new box! Which means if the box goes down again, i will have to wait for the delivery (2-3 days) and re-configure again - I would lose a lot of money in that time!!
Hi there,
Yes its infuriating, but I have been told something is in the pipeline so it has been picked up. I have mentioned it several times over the years but I have been assured it's just a matter of time.
I too have had the problem of the 2700 losing configuration on loss of power. The helpdesk advised me to do a factory reset on the router - there is a pinhole on the back where you insert a biro to reset the box. This seems to have cured the problem.
Also just to mention the deceptive greenlight@service.btclick.com. When you reset the router, this userID is inserted in the config and appears to bring up the broadband connection in the status panel. However, in reality there is no connection and you find yourself tearing your hair out wondering why it doesn't work.
Greenlight details connect to a database server and search for your account information based on your line number. Once it has located your details it will automatically re configure the router.
This can take a few seconds or a few hours, there doesn't seem to be any pattern but I have noticed if it is stuck on greenlight details a quick restart of the router causes it to update immediatelly.
My last two HGV TwoWire routers have done exactly the same. Four routers in three years. I don't know why BT still uses this router, it's pants. I've tried the hardware reset on both routers that have done this to no effect, still kept happening. We'll see what happens with the next router.
Still so shocked that BT think a business quality router is one that can't be easily backed up and restored...