Hi all,
There must be a way to do this without factory resetting the whole box!!
Lets say we have 5 Static IP addr bought from good old BT. All assigned to different devices on the network associated by their mac addresses.
OK, now lets say one device gets fried. New device needed. Different MAC address (obviously) but the old device is gone. It cannot be seen in the list of devices on the BTBH3 nor will its MAC address ever be seen again since it is now gone.
But, the BTBH3 still believes it has that IP address assigned to that MAC address and it seems there is no way to release the address back into the pool of usable addresses. So how do we modify that relationship that we previously added because it is no longer appropriate?
Help me out here guys. Convince me that the BTBH3 is not another dumbed down piece of crud that we thought might actually do us a job in place of a Cisco box just because we already had our hands on it. Im not asking much. A command line hack would be good too though 😉 .
Thanks in advance,
I think BTBH3 is set to DHCP but the IPs given out are binded to its mac addresses.
Another theory would be that the DHCP lease time is around 1 year or too long. Yo can probably set it to 1 min so everything would be refresh. Below is the manual. Good luck.