I have a very early website which had to have a tyld (~) sign after the oblique stroke. I haven't updated it for 4 years, until recently. I can access the server, ftp.ftp.btinternet.com but can't copy across my updated version. Several BT depts. have been unable to assist. Any ideas? The website still operates.
Hi. Sorry to hear this. Are there any error messages when trying to do this?
No, but the properties of the index file on the ftp server shows "modified today's date" , but the original pages are still there!
Thanks for your reply.
Flow this steps may help..
1) Make sure that you are using the correct ip for uploading. Your host may have transferred your websites over to a
new server, and you are still using the old ip. Confirm with your host that you are using the correct URL for cpanel.
To be on the safer side, always use domainname/cpanel to access cpanel.
2) Make sure, you are not uploading to the wrong directory.
3) Also, try disabling/uninstalling clamav and try again.