Please can BT publish some guidance on setting up the mail account on Windows 10?
Should we set up the Office 365 account as a regular POP3, or should we opt for the Exchange service which lists Office 365 as an example.
I've tried both:
- The Exchange service successfully registers, but errors when syncing mail
- The POP3 service works, but very slowly and irregularly, and fails to consistently download content.
I understand the new Mail application to be buggy, so I'm not sure whether I'm doing anything wrong.
Hi Sillery,
I've not seen Windows 10 yet myself but the settings will be the same as all other Microsoft Operating systems,
you will need to determin your licenses type to know if to user Exchange or POP,
If your Licenses for the mailbox is,
Lite or Lite Plus you need to use POP
Small business or Small Business Premium you have to use Exchange
Thanks James,
I think I must be on a Lite version as Exchange isn't working.
The POP account works...but seems to be exceptionally slow in synching mails and content...however I believe this to be a problem with the new Mail client.
I have BT Business Lite and when I downloaded windows 10 I could receive but could not send e-mails. I chatted to the BT helpline who accessed my computer remotely to check the settings which were all correct. The response I got was that this was an issue with windows 10. I then had to recover Windows 8. It's a bit frustrating as windows 10 looks good. Do you know if anything has changed? Thanks
Hi there,
This is a known issue with Outlook and Windows 10. The below is quoted from this link
Hope this helps
So saw this on another WindowsCentral thread.
Click on the search icon, search on cmd when you find the application (Command Prompt) run as administrator (i.e. right click it and click run as administrator). You will then see a rectangular black window appear with folder> then type in sfc/scannow and sit back and wait (takes a while to run).
When finished type in exit. Then close outlook, restart and problem solve. Seems to have solved the problem for a number of people on the other thread too.
Thank you very much for this. I tried it and it has fixed the problem. I appreciate your help.
Thanks again.
POP email and Microsoft Windows 10 don't work together.
PLEASE can BT post settings which do work. Windows 10 has been released for a few weeks now.
the settings posted by BT are supported by windows 10 for POP, the mail Client you choose to use might not work but that isn't somthing BT will resolve you will need to use a client which does suppport POP
Or if you read the Note Inputted above, you may find that the fix their may resolve your issue