I've received emails to my iphone withhout any problems for a few years now. However, from today, since the BT 'update' I cannot receive emails on my iphone. I've gone through the steps on http://btbusiness.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/15437/c/593,762
and end up with the SMTP error message ''SMTP Server mail.bt.com doesn't support authentication, please check your account settings and try again' to which I am advised to contact my phone provider - which I did. After trying everything online with an O2 guru (a company with 24/7 online support) I'm told the settings are all fine and its a BT issue.
When my husband rang earlier today he was told he would have to contact some support number and PAY for support, which of course we are not going to do as, whoever is at fault, its not me.
Where do I go from here????
To confirm if this is an issue from BT customer care then please contact them from here :- http://btbusiness.custhelp.com/app/contact/session/L2F2LzEvdGltZS8xMzMyMDkxMzYzL3NpZC9Ra1RWcXBUaw%3D...
See my post at the end of this thread:
And for reference mail.bt.com is nothing to do with the btconnect.com servers. The @bt.com domain is the company domain used by employees, official addresses, etc. The current @btconnect.com server is mail.btconnect.com, so it means that either the phone or the mobile provider is picking up the wrong details for some reason.
And that is not BT's fault.
Dave A