When I go to https://secure.business.bt.com/Account/Dashboard#/manage-broadband
it says, 'unknown hub' and 'broadband status unknown'.
I have asked to upgrade my profile to 'admin' and should receive a PIN in the post.
Hi Kelper. Is your online account linked to the billing account for your broadband service?
Thanks Kelper. I'll need to get this raised with our IT team so that they can check why your hub and broadband service isn't linked to your online account. Would you be able to send me a private message as I'll need to take some account details before I can get this raised?
Your username. When your service was set up, your administrator or the Service Hub team will have given you your user name. Your company domain. This is typically your business domain name (for example: bt.com).Your password.
But I know my username and password! Can you reread my question? Anyway, it's being addressed by a forum mod.
Please make sure you're on the latest version of the app. Follow these links to find the app on Google Play > or in the iPhone App Store >
Also make sure you're using the latest operating system for your device.
If this doesn't help, try deleting the app and reinstalling it.
Rachel Gomez