So I had an old smart hub 1 FTTC setup, I bought a smart hub 3 + extender from eBay.
Everything seems to work fine, my WiFi is better than before , the extender seems to work ok but it’s not showing up on the hub manager, no devices are under it.
Pretty sure it’s working as I was next to it , pinging the gateway, then I powered it off and I lost a few pings before the laptop picked up the routers ssid.
Is this just a software/firmware hub GUI issue? As I read on the EE forums people having similar issues on those rebadged EE super hubs and extenders.
whats the latest fw on the sm3?
Hi Lanz-uk
Are you a BT Business customer?
Yes I am, but I rang them equiring about a new hub and they said I’d need to go on a different contract.
Hi Lanz-uk
The latest firmware for the Smart Hub 3 is v1.35.