My current single extender is right on the edge of its usable range and is prone to losing the signal. Can I insert another extender between these two to boost the signal?
Thanks in advance.
Hi g4125
What type of extender are you using? I can only advise on BT products.
Hi Beth
I'm using BT Business Complete Wi-Fi Plus extenders - the ones that are shipped with the Business Smart Hub 3
Hi g4125
This sounds like something our Tech team can assist with. Can you please send me a direct message with some account details?
Beth, I would, if the system didn't give me alerts like the below after trying to send my first ever message!
"You have reached the limit for number of private messages that you can send for now. Please try again later."
As instructed, I'll try again later...
In order to extend the coverage of my business network, I am using BT Business Complete Wi-Fi Plus extenders - the ones that come with the Business Smart Hub 3