Hi all, we have our Hybrid Connect device about 12ft away from the hub, it says connected, connection type Wired but it's a wireless connection, been like this for a week now and we have restarted both devices.
And the Hybris Connect status page looks like this.
Is this normal? I assume not.
Hi lee2022
What colour is the light on the Hybrid Connect? It should be a solid blue going from this guide on what the light colours mean. This will tell if the device is connected to the Hub properly or not.
Yes solid blue and one blue bar on signal strength at bottom.
Now it looks this for the first time, but still says Wired connection.
Hybrid Connections is both a service in Azure and a feature in Azure App Service. As a service, it has uses and capabilities beyond those that are used in App Service. To learn more about Hybrid Connections and their usage outside App Service, see Azure Relay Hybrid Connections. Point Of Care CNA
Hybrid Connections is both an Azure service and an Azure App Service feature. Its functions and capabilities as a service go beyond those of App Service. See Azure Relay Hybrid Connections for additional information on Hybrid Connections and how to use them outside of App Service.
For the last 3 weeks the Hybrid Connect status page is completely blank as in my first screen shot, the box has one blue bar and the central ring is blue, somethings not right here, any ideas?