Having moved from Hub 2 to Hub 3 the BT extender disc (black one) I have no longer works (although I was advised it would!) The wifi signal from the new hub is probably slightly worse than the signal direct from the old hub.
Does any have a recommendation for an extender available for outright purchase please?
It seems that BT will only supply on a rental basis which I'm not prepared to do. IF BT will sell one I might be tempted . . . .
Indeed I do - we're on first-name terms !!
Update - TP-link gadget ordered, received and installed and there is WiFi everywhere we want it, at good strength.
Hi have you re-synced the complete wifi (black discs) with the new hub using an RJ34 aka ethernet cable?
We have just moved over to FF and Business Hub 3 .
Open reach could not wire FF to where the phone line was behind the bar, so had to put it in the office.
The old system was BH2 with 2 Extension discs, with one disc in the office.
The Hub2 and the office disc were swopped places and everything worked perfectly.
We now have 3 NEW extension discs and still not go the coverage we had before.
The engineer did say the new system will have better Wi-Fi coverage.
But what a backward step!
Yes each new disc has been synced with the hub 3 but the one behind the the bar is not getting a good signal.
Maybe we should go back to Hub 2!
Hi Club82
I'm sorry you're having issues with the discs. Have you spoken to our technical team about this?